Mar 3, 2023

EMDR Therapy in San Francisco, What It Is and How It Can Help

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) Therapy is a type of psychotherapy used to help people with various issues, from anxiety and depression to trauma. EMDR Therapy uses eye movements or other types of bilateral stimulation to process traumatic memories and other complex thoughts, helping individuals become more resilient in the face of adversity. EMDR treatment can be beneficial for survivors of trauma who have difficulty managing their emotions or difficulty controlling their reactions to stressful situations. EMDR Therapy in San Francisco has experienced professionals who can work with individuals to address their specific needs and help them move forward in life.

Your brain might not be capable of processing information like it usually does after a particularly distressing or traumatic experience. This happens due to your nervous system becoming reactive or "triggered."

EMDR differs significantly from conventional talk therapy. EMDR Therapy is a highly effective treatment for trauma survivors. Still, it’s also helpful for anyone who has experienced an overwhelming emotional experience that has been difficult to overcome. EMDR Therapy can be especially beneficial for those who have difficulty managing their stress levels in everyday life or feel overwhelmed by their emotions. San Francisco EMDR therapists have experience guiding patients through trying times, and they may help people find new coping mechanisms to control their anxiety and depression levels. EMDR therapists also assist those who require treatment to learn how to react to stressful events in healthy ways.

What is EMDR therapy, and what are its benefits?

Eye movements or other forms of simultaneous engagement are used in EMDR Therapy, a kind of psychotherapy, to aid in processing traumatic memories and other complex concepts. People who have gone through trauma or struggle to manage their feelings or mental stress in daily life may benefit from EMDR therapy. EMDR Therapy effectively addresses PTSD, anxiety, depression, and phobias. The EMDR Therapist guides the individual through the process by accessing their subconscious mind and building resilience against triggers from past experiences. EMDR therapists in San Francisco, such as Dr. Cammy, are trained in this technique and offer therapy and support throughout the healing process.

EMDR Therapy has numerous benefits, which include reducing symptoms associated with PTSD, improving self-image, reducing and managing stress and anxiety levels, building resilience against triggers, and regaining control of one’s life. EMDR Therapy can be a potent tool in helping individuals move past their trauma and live healthier lives. EMDR therapy has proven effective in treating a wide range of mental health issues and has been found to benefit those suffering from trauma or emotional distress.

How does EMDR therapy work, and who is it appropriate for?

With EMDR therapy, like standard cognitive behavioral therapy, you first build a positive rapport with your therapist through dialogue. Additionally, you might pick up new techniques for handling painful emotions that EMDR can trigger. The following stages of EMDR will probably require several sessions. You will choose a terrible memory to reprocess—one that makes you feel highly uncomfortable and sets off PTSD symptoms. Your therapist will direct you to concentrate on the ideas, feelings, and physical sensations that surface while you visualize a distressing scene from the incident. You will also be instructed to move your eyes rapidly from left to right, back and forth, just like during REM sleep. Your therapist might tap you on the left and right with their hand, a light beam that flashes back and forth, or loud taps.

This movement causes trauma-related feelings to surface, and the therapist may ask you to stop moving your eyes so you may discuss how you are feeling these emotions and begin to process them. Your feelings related to these recollections should gradually lose their ferocity until they no more cause excruciating pain over time and maybe multiple repeated sessions. At that time, your therapist will assist you in changing the connected negative ideas and emotions with more constructive ones. For instance, a victim of sexual assault could go from feeling ashamed and helpless to feeling strong and in control.

EMDR therapy is appropriate for anyone who has experienced a traumatic event or difficulty managing emotions in everyday life. EMDR therapy also benefits those suffering from PTSD, anxiety, depression, and phobias. EMDR Therapy can help individuals regain control of their lives and find new coping mechanisms to manage stress levels better. EMDR therapists in San Francisco have the skillset necessary to effectively guide patients through this process.

If you are looking for EMDR therapy in San Francisco, please get in touch with Dr. Cammy at her office today to schedule an appointment and start your healing journey! EMDR Therapy is an effective form of treatment for survivors of trauma and can be used to overcome any mental health issue that’s been holding you back from living your best life.

What should you expect during an EMDR therapy session in San Francisco?

During EMDR therapy sessions in San Francisco, patients can expect to discuss the traumatic event or difficulty managing emotions. They will then move on to processing the trauma and its associated emotions using EMDR techniques that involve rapid eye movements and tapping. During each session, the EMDR therapist will support the patient in understanding their feelings and why they are feeling them. The EMDR therapist may also give homework assignments for clients to complete before their next appointment.

The EMDR process can take anywhere from a few weeks to several months, depending on the severity of the trauma and other factors affecting each individual's healing process. It is important to remember that EMDR therapy should not be rushed and should always be approached with patience and persistence. With EMDR Therapy in San Francisco, you can find a path to healing and live the life you’ve always wanted.

What are the possible side effects of EMDR therapy, and how long will they last?

The EMDR therapy process may cause some uncomfortable feelings and emotions to surface. It is usual for people to experience various emotions during EMDR, such as heightened anxiety or distress while recalling a traumatic event. These feelings are usually temporary and will eventually subside with time and support from your EMDR therapist in San Francisco.

With EMDR Therapy, it is essential to remember that healing can be gradual, and the side effects may vary depending on the individual’s circumstances. If you are concerned about any possible side effects of EMDR therapy, discuss your concerns and questions with your EMDR therapist in San Francisco before beginning EMDR. When used patiently, EMDR Therapy is a powerful technique for healing that can help people process and get past the trauma.

How can you find a qualified therapist who offers EMDR therapy in San Francisco?

Finding a qualified EMDR therapist in San Francisco is the first step to beginning EMDR therapy and achieving emotional healing. The EMDR International Association (EMDRIA) maintains a list of qualified EMDR therapists in San Francisco who have completed EMDR training, passed comprehensive written and practical exams, and met EMDRIA's standards for professional ethics and EMDR practice. EMDRIA also has a searchable directory to find EMDR specialists in San Francisco based on their specialties and treatment methods.

It is vital to research EMDR therapists before committing to one, as the EMDR therapy process requires a robust patient-therapist relationship. In addition, you should ask any prospective EMDR therapist about their experience with EMDR and other trauma-focused therapies. You can locate a qualified EMDR therapist in San Francisco who can assist you in your healing process by exercising due diligence. You should seek an EMDR counselor who has received training in trauma-focused CBT and has experience in the field. If they have medical experiences with your particular sort of trauma, such as trauma from sexual harassment, combat, or a natural disaster, that is advantageous. It's crucial that you can connect well with the therapist and that you feel comfortable and supported.


Considering EMDR therapy in San Francisco, you should know a few things. EMDR therapy is a type of trauma-focused therapy that can help people heal from the effects of trauma. The EMDR process may cause some uncomfortable feelings and emotions to surface. Still, these are usually temporary and will eventually subside with time and support from your EMDR therapist in San Francisco. To find a qualified EMDR therapist in San Francisco, you can search the EMDR International Association directory or the EMDRIA website. When used patiently, EMDR Therapy is a powerful technique for healing that can help people process and get past the trauma. With EMDR Therapy in San Francisco, you can find a path to recovery and live the life you’ve always wanted.

For EMDR therapy in San Francisco, get in touch with Dr. Cammy immediately at her clinic! She is here to listen and support you as you travel the path of healing. Any mental health condition preventing you from living your best life can be resolved with EMDR therapy. Take action immediately to reclaim your power, hope, and joy!