May 9, 2023

The Role of a Trauma Therapist in Couples Therapy in San Francisco

Couples with traumatic experiences are more distressed than other couples. Relationship quality between couples is impacted by trauma. The couples struggle to feel secure in their relationships, especially if one or both have experienced trauma in their family of origin. Couples may experience additional trauma, whether it stems from their current partner, an incident, or emotional harm. They are very distressed, which makes it difficult for them to feel secure and control their emotions. Finding solace can be challenging, especially if the person you are dating poses a threat to your safety. People in relationships experience a lot of stress and fear when that happens.

The trauma therapist plays a vital role in couples therapy in San Francisco. Couples often face communication, understanding, and connecting struggles related to past traumas or unresolved issues. A trauma therapist has specialized training to help people process and heal from the effects of traumatic experiences. Family therapists in San Francisco use a variety of strategies to assist people in coping with trauma and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) symptoms.

In couples therapy sessions, a trauma therapist helps the couple recognize their shared history of trauma and provides them with the tools necessary to explore their wounds and begin the journey toward healing together. The therapist will also provide insight into how these traumas have affected each individual's outlook on life, relationships, and themselves. The trauma therapist offers a safe space for both partners to express their emotions without fear of judgment or criticism from their partner.

What is trauma?

Trauma is an emotional response to a deeply distressing or disturbing event. People who have experienced a traumatic event are likely to experience intense fear, helplessness, and horror. They may also suffer from flashbacks, nightmares, difficulty concentrating, and depression. Traumatic events can include physical or sexual assault, witnessing violence or death, natural disasters, car accidents, military combat experiences, or other life-threatening situations. Couples therapy in San Francisco can help couples process their trauma and build healthier relationships.

The trauma therapist works closely with the couple to identify areas of concern that need to be addressed to move forward together in the healing journey. Through this process, clients learn how to develop better communication skills by understanding their triggers and the triggers of their partners. Couples can also gain a deeper understanding of how their past traumas have affected their relationship dynamics.

The trauma therapist works to help couples create an environment where they can express themselves without fear of judgment or criticism from each other. With the support of a trained professional, couples can develop practical coping skills and build trust to heal together and rebuild their relationship. Couples therapy in San Francisco has been proven to be an effective way for couples with traumatic histories to move forward together.  With the right help, couples can learn how to process difficult emotions and feelings connected to trauma to make positive changes in their relationships ultimately.

What is a trauma therapist, and what do they do in couples therapy in San Francisco, specifically

A trauma therapist is a mental health professional with specialized training to help clients heal from the effects of traumatic experiences. In Couples Therapy in San Francisco, a trauma therapist like Dr. Cammy plays an integral role in assisting couples in processing and addressing their shared history of trauma. The therapist works closely with the couple to identify areas of concern that need to be discussed toward healing.

The trauma therapist provides guidance and insight into how past traumas have affected each individual's outlook on life, relationships, and themselves. Through this process, clients learn how to develop better communication skills by understanding their triggers and those of their partners. Couples can also gain a deeper understanding of how these traumas have impacted their relationship dynamics.

The trauma therapist encourages couples to communicate their emotions and sentiments in a secure setting without worrying about their partner's reaction. San Francisco couples therapy allows couples to learn how to manage challenging emotions and create functional coping mechanisms, ultimately fostering trust and understanding. Couples can learn more about how they can mend their relationship and heal together with the assistance of a qualified specialist. San Francisco couples therapy has been proven successful in helping people move past their chronic pain and make reasonable adjustments to their relationships. ​

How can a trauma therapist help couples who are struggling

Through couples counseling, people can learn helpful coping mechanisms that support the couple's relationship's healing and trust-building. Couples can develop practical coping skills and learn how to deal with difficult emotions, which will ultimately help them heal and progress as a unit. To improve their relationships, people can work through challenging topics, including sorrow, rage, shame, guilt, and more, in couples counseling.

Trauma therapists also utilize evidence-based approaches such as cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) to understand the triggers causing distress or disruption in the relationship. The therapist will use cognitive restructuring, emotion regulation, and mindfulness practices to help clients recognize patterns of behavior or thought processes contributing to current relationship issues. Ultimately, this allows for improved communication between partners by providing insight into why things are happening and how both parties can work together toward a healthier resolution.

The Three-Stage Trauma-Informed Care Approach

The three stages of trauma recovery are applied in the following manner during a couple's treatment session.

Stage 1: Stabilization and Safety

Working to establish emotional stability and safety in the partnership is the first step. We try to give the couple a secure space where they may watch their feelings communicated so they can both hear quietly. They can start to listen to each other when they can control their emotions within a tolerance band.

It might occasionally be impossible for couples to hear or comprehend each other because of the level of wrath present. In that instance, we endeavor to establish a secure environment where each person may accept the feelings of others while realizing that their sentiments are unaffected. Sometimes it takes several sessions before we discuss the specifics of what unfolded. Together, we use Psychotherapy and talk therapy to reduce that nagging feeling of unease, reestablish a sense of security, and teach you to trust your judgment.

Stabilization and safety do not depend on one partner outperforming the other. It involves having the capacity to communicate, listen, and comprehend. We keep going until each individual can see even the unpleasant emotions. Empathizing with you and your partner is essential, recognizing that you're both trying and present. The pair might enter the processing stage after the feelings are bearable.

Stage 2: Processing

A relationship can advance once each individual can hear the other clearly, and is also emotionally present and safe. They can start comprehending how their coping mechanisms and life experiences contributed to the events.

When partners believe their needs are met in healthy partnerships, affairs do not occur. Therefore, we start figuring out why this happens if one spouse has drifted away from the partnership in favor of a matter, drugs, or anything else. Perhaps the other partner is also finding solace outside of the association.

We start examining how to assist both partners in establishing the relationship and start assisting one another in co-regularizing emotions. We consider issues like:

  • After what happened, how can we foster trust?
  • What was it that each partner required of the other?
  • How can we develop as a team rather than separately?

Stage 3: Integration

Recognizing the nature of the effort required to maintain a healthy relationship is the fundamental step in moving forward as a pair. It's about being there and available for your partner emotionally. The best present a lover can give another is their sharp, sensitive, emotional focus and prompt response. You can rekindle your romance and rediscover that love sensation with the assistance of our staff of marriage counselors, relationship therapy coaches, and couples counselors.

Each partner must know they can rely on the other for understanding and emotional support. To recover, grow as a couple, and become stronger, the couple must exercise their new coping skills and solutions during the integration phase. Marriage and relationship counseling can assist you in taking the necessary actions to reestablish connection and trust.

How much does trauma therapy cost for couples in San Francisco

The cost of Couples Therapy in San Francisco will depend on the type of service you need and your chosen provider. Generally, Couples Therapy sessions can range from $80 to $200 per session, with a typical cost of around $150 per session. Many therapists also offer sliding scale rates based on income level. Reviewing all fees and discussing payment arrangements before committing to any Couples Therapy program is essential.

In addition, some insurance plans may cover Couples Therapy services, so it is always worth checking with your provider for more details. Emotionally focused couples therapy can be invaluable for many relationships and should not be discounted due to cost concerns. With the proper guidance and support, couples can gain insight into their relationship dynamics and lay the foundation for a healthier, more fulfilling life together.


If both partners are open to learning to be emotionally present, there is still hope, even if the agony in your relationship feels terrible. As a therapist, I think a trauma-informed strategy gives you and your partner a great chance to progress. It considers the emotional requirements that each person brings and a better appreciation of the significance of each person's past.

It won't be simple to deal with uncomfortable emotions. But when you arrive at the other end of this journey, you might discover more strength than ever before to face difficulties together. Get in touch with us now if you're interested in learning more about couples counseling or family therapy in San Francisco as a trauma recovery technique!